Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day...Rockin' the Peanut Gallery Vote!

I am so excited about our activities today. Everything we did was centered around voting! We voted on activities, centers, books to read, and lunch! The kids picked up on words such as: voting, president, united states, McCain, Obama. We completed a election coloring book along with a voting ballot. Here are some fun pictures from today!

Here are our voting booths. We took turns coloring our election books. Each kiddo had a turn in the voting booth as they colored!

J and K are working on their books and "voting"...

These were taken at Circle Time... we are doing a vote to see what we are having for lunch. They had a choice between grilled cheese sandwiches and roast beef...it was a close race and only one vote separated the win. Roast Beef was our lunch winner!
C is placing his vote! He loved putting cards in the voting box. It became a great toy after the election voting was over.
H id doing her coloring book in her voter booth.

M was learning about the presidential candidates as well. She made her choice as well. No influence was given for this picture...=)!

K is finishing up her voting book as well. The kids had a lot of fun and when we were done all received "I voted" stickers. As well as picking up on voting vocabulary we also counted our votes and sorted votes! We had a fun time at the Peanuts Rocked the Daycare Vote!


Dawn Estes said...

OK, seriously - You are the coolest daycare provider ever! Look at all the work you put into your lessons for the kiddos today! I know they had a blast and learned a lot! GREAT JOB! YOU ROCK!!!!

Drake said...

I like how you did the election for your kids today. We are doing something similar at the ymca

Drake said...

I was just searching blogs and saw your blog and clicked on it. It looked interesting and I am going into education. I am a Physical Education major with a elementary minor and I am going for my Health minor. I like to search for new blogs and see peoples cool ideas they are posting. I really think it is important for kids to experience voting and am very happy people are teaching young children the importance of voting. Keep up the good work.

Katie said...

You're awesome. The kids looked like they had a lot of fun.