Thursday, May 12, 2011

Potty train or not to potty train

that is the question...

We are a family of 6. Four children. Two in diapers.

We would save money on diapering supplies....

But this kid is like no other... God love her because there are some days you just don't know if you want to laugh or cry!

Mia will be 3 in August. With the other 2 peanuts, I have always waited until they were older and more interested. With Mia I started a couple months ago, gave up after 2 days of potty training hell, then started again 2 weeks ago.
She did fine during the day when we were home however some of it was pure luck with telling her to go try after 45 minutes rather then her telling me. But we always would be on the go in the evenings which lead to putting a diaper on since we'd be in public
Mia is just Mia. I know she can do it- she is old enough to do it- I have trained tons of kids and even did 3 kids ( at the same time) at daycare in 1 week- so I know I can do it- I just blame Mia! (and not my perfect parenting...insert laugh here)
The kid still drinks a lot... she is a camel. During the day I don't care but in the morning she wakes up so wet. So I know this is a problem too!

So. Here. Is. My. Plan!
We are back to diapers for a couple of weeks. Taking a break for her and me. While we are on this break, I will be backing off her fluids at night. Getting her used to staying dry-hopefully- and then go from there.

June 1st
Potty training boot camp will begin! This kid will be trained before the end of the month or I will sell her! Okay, not really but she better be potty trained!

So... to potty train or not... I still don't have the answer!

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