Tuesday, October 28, 2008

58 days until Christmas...

Can you imagine that there are only 58 days until Christmas??? I am freaking out about this. There are only 4 paychecks (bi weekly) until this gift giving holiday. Money is only part of it, when do I have the time to shop for gifts?
Each year I sit down and make a list: family, daycare, extras (teachers, co-workers, neighbors ect.). Today was my list day. Then each year, I try to decided who I can kick off my list to make it shorter...then I run it by Dustin and then I usually have to put them back on my list.
This year will be fun! Gaby is at an awesome age where we can get her more "grown up" gifts, Kadyn just loves anything you give her, and this will be Mia's first Christmas so clothing is still an awesome thing for her and she won't remember.
As for daycare kids gift, I am making them this year. I know they get a lot of toys and goodies from their parents and family so I thought I would do something a little different then a toy. I got the idea for my bestest goodest friend Dawn. I am making.......ha, thought you were gonna find out, huh???!!! I actually had to do some research on this project but I think my kiddos will cherish it for a long time to come.
The gifts are only a part of the holiday... I must admit I love decorating my house for Christmas. Seeing the Christmas tree decorated with bulbs from every year I was born, the kids have been born, and Dustin and I have been married brings back so many memories. I love that it takes Dustin a month to figure out how he is doing to decorate the outside of the house in lights. And most of all I love wrapping the gifts and placing them under the tree (and then telling the girls "no" they can't unwrap just one a million of times).
With only 58 days until Christmas, I better wrap this rambling blog post up and get to planning!!!

1 comment:

Dawn Estes said...

You're freakin' me out, man! Enough with the Christmas countdown! I'm not ready to think about it.

Although - you are going to be making an AWESOME gift!

AND - I have a teacher gift idea we can work on together sometime if you want something craftsy!