Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kendal's 18 mo check up...

Yesterday we went in for Kenni's check up. At first she was in a great mood, happy, walking around, and "chatting" with people in the waiting room. Her attitude changed a little after waiting for 45 minutes for our appointment.

We finally got called back to see the nurse and to get her measurements. She really jumped in both weight and height between 15-18mo.
Height: 33in long (80%)
Weight: 24.1 pounds (42.69%

Kenni was so tired, she didn't have a nap and also had to get a shot.

She didn't want to sit, play, or be held.... she was just done.

She did keep it together long enough for the doctor to do her exam. She was happy with Kendal's numbers especially since Kendal wasn't even on the charts the first 8 months of her little life. I was a little nervous going in to the appointment since Kenni's eye looked so bad from her fall. She nodded her head and chuckled as I told her the story of Kenni's great fall.

Finally, a little rest for the wee one. My little Peanut is getting so big, entering new stages of independence and changing everyday!

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