Thursday, August 11, 2011

First night at dance...

Kadyn and Mia appear to be the dancers of the family. Kadyn is enrolling in her 4th year of dance. Her class bumps up to an hour and 30 minutes this year. She will continue to learn tap, ballet, and will add jazz this year. Mia is starting her first full year. Last year she started in January with Creative Movement. This time we are trying her in Pre-K where she will learn ballet and tap.

Here are my girlies all ready for dance class... they were so excited.

Mia looks like such a big girl!

In her room before class... her teacher is a long time family friend, I know she is in great hands!

My little 1st grader!

Kadyn's teacher is the same one she had last year- we loved her. She pushed the girls and really made them practice!

Can't wait to see what the year holds for my little dancing queens...

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