Thursday, June 23, 2011

Today we used words like "recycling" and "re-using".

To help with our recycling lesson today, we made a bird feeder out of a juice cartoon, and we made stamps for art using of plastic lids. I held up the lids before gluing the spools on them and asked my preschoolers what it was. One responded, "trash". I showed them how we could use our trash to make something else- to recycle it!

Our new stamps...

Even Kenni got to paint today...

Okay- she still may need some help...

Our next activity was throwing the trash into the trash trucks. Then, we made a "trash dump" out of a box. We dumped some of the trash and then reused some of the trash to cut down on the waste. This was a big lesson for my kiddos...

They had a blast getting the trash into the trucks.

Our new circle time spot- the last month I have moved my preschool classroom around a million times. I finally have it to where I like it and gives us more room at circle time.

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