Saturday, January 29, 2011

more randoms...

So, I can honestly say I am excited for January to come to an end. As stressful as the holidays are to most, January is my stressful month too. Most of you know we celebrate Kadyn's birthday on the 17th, Kendal's on the 18th, and Dustin's on the 20th. We normally combine them all and do a family gathering then a friend party for the kids. We have had some type of celebration or party the the last 3 weekends. So, I am looking forward to our birthday month winding down. I am grateful for the people we are celebrating but this momma is done for a while... August, in fact! ;)

I am addicted to working out! I love it, I love how I feel when doing it, how I feel after, and seeing the results of my body from all the hard work. I am at a point thought I need to figure out what avenue I want to stick with for a while. Right now I have Jazzercise, the gym, and Weight Watchers. And, on the days I don't have time for any of the above, I have a DVD at home. This is my month to figure it all out. By the end of February, 2 things will be gone from my routine. I love Jazz class, my friends I see, and the music. I just seem to miss the classes and haven't made it priority this year. At best I have been making 1-2 classes a week. The gym is awesome, I have set goals for running and the elliptical. I see the calories as I am burning and watch the clock to beat my personal records. Tonight I beat my old time, I did 3 miles on the elliptical in 35 minutes, and that was even stopping to allow my knee rest. Weight Watchers is great for my food accountability and the meetings are really keeping me honest about my food intake. Like I said before, I hope to be programmed enough that after I hit 199, I won't NEED the meetings- this will all be seconded nature. Well see what I come up with soon!!! Losing weight does not come easy, that is for sure!

I love honey crisp apples. I just bought 6 of them and it was over 8.00 for them. Sheesh! These are by far worth it but man they can drain my budget! But, I find if I eat one of these apples before my meal, I am so less hungry and they are so tasty! Haven't had a bad apple yet from this brand. Just can't wait until summer when they come down in price a little.

I am excited for our date night this week... Dustin and I are hitting the gym to meet with a personal trainer! We are getting fitness plans and learning more about the weight machines. And, we get to go together! Can't wait!!!

This week has been an emotional week for sure. I miss my mom. No, she isn't dead and she still lives with us. I don't know how to explain it really, but I miss how she was before her stroke. I think back 5 years and wonder where I would be at if this life changing event wouldn't have happened? So many good things have come from this situation but I still long for the days when she wasn't disabled. Does that make any sense at all? I miss her having grandma days with Gaby and Kadyn, I miss her going with me to scrapbook, I miss my kids going to her for daycare, I miss calling her every night before I went to bed to say good night, I just miss the
good ol' days with her. And, not that the present days are not filled with happy memories, they are just different then before. She isn't my same mom and most days I am okay with that but some times I am emotional about that! I still have so many blessings and my girls love growing up having grandma living with us. I praise God that He spared her life when she had this stroke.

My grandma was put into a nursing home today. This was an another emotional change. My grandma and I were very close when she lived in Topeka. When my mom was recovering from her stroke, my grandma and I had many long conversations and see always would call or drive by to check in on me and my family! She is 93 years old and a believer of Jesus. This was one thing that was very apparent about my grandma. She has always had a direct line to Jesus for for sure!!! She moved to KC a few years back to assisted living. She needed this. My grandma needed some help and meals. This was a good move for her. She was starting to forget things and starting to forget people. This has been hard to watch. She has dementia. The last year it has gotten extremely bad. My grandma would need a run down of how many kids I had, who my husband was, and basic family info. She has certainly brought some fun and interesting conversations to the table the last few family gatherings. Again, I feel like I am loosing her like I lost a part of my mom. They are still here but not as themselves. So hard to explain but I hope you get where I am trying to go. The person who can't remember my name is not my grandma who called me and gave me the best advice ever when coping with my mom. It's just not the same, and one of the things I will miss the most is living across the parking lot in our 4 bedroom apartments when Dustin and I were first starting out family.

My husband is just great! I really don't know how else to say it. Today I just needed a break from things. The kids, the house, chores everything. So, after we were done running the girls to soccer, dance ect. he fixed lunch as I ran errands. I had planned on taking the girls with me but it was nice getting away, doing what I needed to do, and come home refreshed. Gaby, Kadyn and I even ran/walked 3 miles this evening and it was perfect. To end the crazy day, we ordered pizza, and I went to the gym. It was a much needed break and I am thankful that my husband supports me when I need to be a way for a little while. Then I talked to my dad and got the news about my grandma, I broke down after this conversation. Dustin was there, just to hold me and be my rock. He can't fix anything but he knew how to make the situation better. I love this man. More then words can explain. We have been through so much in our 10 years of marriage and he never ever complains. He is my rock and I love him for everything he is, everything he wants to be, and just for him being here for me today!! He even got all the kids in bed while I took a long hot bath- can I just admire him for a while?

Wow- this post is deep. I really hate that but I feel like I needed to put it out there. I am only human, I have rough and emotional days, and need breaks just like everyone else too!

On a lighter note- I am looking forward to the personal trainer date night! Soon, I will be calling on all you people that say, " I'll watch the girls so you and Dustin can go out" and getting a real date night on the calendar! Just thinking of planning this makes me smile. I love me some hubby time.

I bought 2 huge boxes of diapers for 30.00 online- I was so excited and it has free shipping. I hope to stay organized enough to keep doing this until I get these last 2 kids out of diapers!

Mia starts dance classed this week... I can't wait! She is needing something that is just for her- I hope she will do good. She certainly looked cute in her ballet shoes and outfit I tried on her today!

I am so uper excited to be surrounded by people that are taking control of their weight loss journey too! I feel like I have a healthy support system and I am so proud of the updates and progress everyone is making.

I bought 2 new pairs of shoes for me today- like cute ones that are not exercise shoes. It is BOGO at payless and found 2 that just made me smile! I will be sporting one pair tomorrow at church! Love shoes!

Well, I am ready to sign off (sorry for all the typos and bad grammar not taking time to re-read)... cuddle with my hubs, and count my blessings, and Praise God for all that He has given me... I will end with words from a song from one of my favorite TV shows growing up, "You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and then you have the facts of life".

Friday, January 28, 2011


This morning Mia woke up a Grumpy Gus... She won't take her sunglasses off either- in this picture she looks a little hung over!

Moments like this I am reminded of all my blessings. I walked in to get Kendal ready and she was still sleeping, all curled up. I love this moment, I love this baby, I love being her momma!

Meet Lumpy. Lumpy has been about of Kadyn's life since she was born. After I knew she was attached, I went to Target and bought 8 of them. Six years later, we have 2 left. They are very worn out and very well loved. It sadness my heart that I am asking Kadyn to give up her Lumpy.

We have been talking about this day for a while now. At first, it was when she turned 5 years old, then it was moved to when she went to school, and now when she turned 6. Last night was Kadyn's first night without Lumpy. She cried big tears and I almost gave in but after a short while, she fell asleep without her Lumpy. Baby Steps, one day at a time!

Our week finished on a crazy note, Wednesday Gaby was sent home from school with a fever and she said her throat hurt. Dustin left work early and took her to Walgreens clinic ( I *heart* this invention) and she was told she had strep. So, that night we started her on her medication and she stayed home stuck in my room the next day. Thankfully after 1-2 doses she was back to her normal Gaby self. She went back to school today and feeling good!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I love shoes...

I love Mia's new shoes... and I even got them super cheap! They make me happy and I would love them if they were in my size.
The cute girl in her entire outfit... she is an original!
I love shoes... borrowed from a friend who has outgrown them. Perfect for Kenni's long and skinny feet!
And we are on the go... officially crawling and going everywhere!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Letter of the week and more...

Our letter of the week is "C" and our theme is Winter (still). Our book of the week is called, "Frosty and Friends", a cute little story of when Frosty come back to life. Love the bright pictures and fun story plot!

After we read our book, we had free art time. The kids made their own pictures of Frosty the Snowman. Some you could tell were snowmen and some, well, I did mention it was free art! It's not the finished project that counts, it is the process.

Some of our friends came inside from playing this morning, so we started to color as the older ones were still outside.

Today we glued cotton balls on our letter "C". Glue and cotton is a great combo for this age and the clean up was great too! (Did you hear the tone in my voice there??)
We still get outside whenever we can. Our backyard is still covered in snow but since my awesome hubby shoveled the deck, we can still go out to play. And, we did....

The kids we were able to play with some new things... like the mountain climber they are standing on and the trucks that my little man L is holding.
We even added some cool new mowers to play with too- too bad you can't see the grass, but we still had fun anyway!

What a fun day... lots to see and do!

Baby time...

I will admit- the babies of daycare don't get as much "picture time". They are kinda along for the ride the first few months being exposed to circle time, songs, music, stories ect. Even at a young age this is great for them. As they become older I start them on rotation of "centers" and activities as well. My 2 babies are getting to be at a fun age, they are moving, crawling, clapping, "talking", smiling, and interacting. Here are some fun pictures of what my babies get to do...

Play time in the big school bus...
Time in the excersaucer...
The mail truck toy...
Kitchen area....

Monday, January 24, 2011

Oldies but goodies... weight loss update

Here are some more old pictures- These have all been taken within the last 5 years of my life. I have always struggled with being heavy. Most of you know, I have never lost weight until after I had our third child. I look back at these pictures and I am sad that it has taken me this long to make a choice to be healthier. I wasn't unhappy at all- I always enjoyed eating they way I wanted even if it was unhealthy! And looking at these pictures, I draw great motivation from them. I will never, ever be this heavy again! I am making that promise to my girls, my husband, and most of all to me!

Me, Kadyn and Gaby on Mother's day. It is a running joke that I can never get a good Mother's Day picture- and to this day I have not. And, I must add... Gaby still does that same pouty face! (Made me laugh)
Right before Mia...
And now... 60 lbs thinner

Such a difference. I have more energy, I love working out, this new dress I bought was a size large, am 7 lbs shy of being my "pre-Kendal" weight, was in a 24 jean now 14.

After Kendal I gain 40 lbs back. How easy it was too, almost scary how fast it comes back on. When I decided to get back on my healthy living kick, I was at 244, last Saturday I weighed in at 215. It has been tough this time around. I feel like it isn't coming off as fast as it did after Mia was born. But when I get hard on myself or discouraged I look back at these pictures and find motivation to keep up with it.
I wish I had a good couple picture of Dustin and I- he has lost over 30 lbs as well. I hope I don't brag- that is not my intention at all. I like being open about my weight, what has worked, what hasn't worked. It keeps my honest, positive, and encouraging!
This last week I hit my 10% at my Weight Watchers meeting and ran 2 miles without stopping.

I am excited for my next step- I am aiming for 199. I can do it. I know I can. Hopefully my next weight loss update will be soon and telling you that I made this goal!

Kendal's church dedication...

This past Sunday we dedicated Kendal at our church. It is an important milestone for our babies and love being able to pray over our kids and give to to our Lord! What a special event for our babies and us as parents too!

Kenni, the morning of her big day... all dressed up!
Our family.
I must add this... this is probably one of the first family events that I have not colored coordinated our outfits. And, Gaby noticed. She told me, "wow, we aren't like matching or anything". And, I was okay with us not matching... this time!
I was proud of our girls... they did well, stood still, and Mia only tried talking a couple of times! Kendal was cute and reached for the mic as Dustin was talking but overall epic success!
Such a great feeling to know God is our perfect parent- something Dustin and I will never be. Our children are His children. What a rush I get even try to understand that concept! What a blessed day!

Friday, January 21, 2011

We are a little behind... we had yet another snow day, I was off 2 days this week, and today we are playing catch up!!!

Today the kids brought their "B" bags to daycare. This has become a really cool thing for them, like a mini show and tell. It's great! The kids are ready for circle time and are so excited to show off their items.
After all of "B" items are out; we had blocks, barbies books, balls, batman, bottle, belt, button, brother. We had a lot of variety of items to talk about!
After circle time, we moved onto dance and music time. We danced to some "B" songs. Like, "Bathtime", "Apples and Bananas", and "Baby Beluga". Even the babies were getting excited!
Movement time always looks like this!!!

Happy Friday... although it seems like a Monday!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow day Fun???
We are on snow day #3... Here is what I did today..
Washed, dried, folded, put away 6 loads of laundry
Planned out another month of daycare lessons
Worked out
Cleaned entry way (even though it will gross dirty after drop offs tomorrow)
Cleaned upstairs to get ready for daycare interview
Switched daycare books out
Made eye appointments and other check up appointments
Gave kids baths
Got ready to go out to Hu Hots with the fam for Dustin's b-day dinner

Snow days are not as fun as they used to be growing up!!!

My January Birthday peeps!

Kendal and Mia at their check ups...

Kendal stats: weight 18.1 (8%), height 28 1/2 (31.1%)

My cuties...
Mia stats: weight 30.1 (70%) height 36 (64%)
Our Wednesday night church activities were canceled because of snow, which was a good thing since Dustin had to put this Barbie monster toy together for Kadyn (which took close to 2 hours) and...
Kennel Wennel spiked a temp and wanted to be held all night. Little girl had 6 shots in her crazy skinny legs!!!

Kendal's day...

After Dustin got home, we had a little birthday party for our little one year old.
We had cake, ice cream, and presents... It was a fun lil party.

Kendal blowing out her candle... with dads help.
She really got into the cake and ice cream. She ate a lot of both, this girl can eat!
By the time we did presents, she was so goofy! We enjoyed watching her pull off the paper and the ignore the gift! But, in this picture, she is super excited for the spring clothing she got from mom and dad...really I think it was the shinny paper she had, but whatever!
Did I mention it was past her bedtime? She was beyond tired but was so entertaining!

Our big birthday bash is Sunday after Kendal's dedication at church. Busy weekend... only 2 more parties to go!!! We can do it!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Kendal

Our little spunk of a peanut... Kendal is one year old today!
Born into a crazy week of birthday's...
And a crazy batch of sisters...
You are special to us Kendal!!! We love you! This past year has been nothing but blessings. You complete our collection of girls!

My little birthday girl!

Today we played in our new space... Since Mia has moved downstairs, that left some space in Kendal's new room. I made a store/kitchen area where the bed used to be. The girls LOVED it!

We talked about the Letter "B" today! (Our B bags are coming home today)
We even had a birthday party! Kennel Wennel is one today!
We all enjoyed some cupcakes...