Saturday, April 16, 2011

My poor Mia...

(Taken about 10 minutes after her great fall)
Mia Mia took a big fall last night! Well, the story goes like this. Kadyn and Mia were on the front porch waiting to load up in the van. Kadyn told Mia to step down, and when Mia didn't move, Kadyn pushed her. It wasn't very hard at all, however Mia had her hands in her pocket and her balance wasn't very good. She fell straight into our sidewalk, face first, and with her hands in her coat, no way to brace herself. Poor girl, she is already a clumsy child- but this time it had nothing to do with her 2 left feet.
After the fall, she just laid there - not moving- just crying. I went and picked her up and saw lots of blood! Anyone that knows me knows I don't do blood very well. I handed her to Dustin, who is a pro at fat lips, scrapes, and ouchies. As the fall happened, we were on our way out to get Gaby from girl scouts and head to Sam's Club. As Dustin repaired our child, I ran to get Gaby and we came home.
After the blood stopped and we had a yellow band aid on, she was feeling better! We watched her super uber close, made sure her eyes were okay, and that she was acting normal, well Mia normal. She still wanted to get her hot dog- no staying home for this girl. After her great fall, we loaded up and got the girl her hot dog from Sam's.
Man, there is always something happening at our place!

About 2 hours after... eating a fruit snack too

The fat lip...

The next morning...

Lips still swollen but doesn't favor it- eats, drinks, and still talks well.

As I look back at her fall, it could have been so worse. Her teeth and gums were all ok, nothing busted loose, and no long term damage appears to have taken place. I am so grateful that her little angels were watching over Mia. It still looks bad however, her face will heal and she'll be fine! My poor little peanut!

1 comment:

Kelli Hull said...

OH! MY!!!!! Thank God she is OK and OF COURSE she is still talking fine!!!! LMAO

SO sorry she has to hurt!!!! :( Hailey fell helping "carry groceries" she was carrying the coffee can tripped and ended up with CAPS on her FRONT TEETH... TG they were Baby teeth!!! SO scary!!! :(