Monday, February 21, 2011

hot mess...

After burning 600 calories in 57 minutes this weekend, this is what I look like when I come home! A hot mess!!! My husband is so lucky to see this after every workout, poor guy!

Here are my updated pictures.
Still need work on them arms...
The booty is getting there... still another spot to keep working on.
I have always hated my legs. I have never had thin or even nice looking legs. After digging back in my closet to try on "skinny carpi's" I had, my legs were the only thing holding me back from wearing them, everywhere else they fit great! So very close!
My abs... looking good, not too tight yet but they are so getting there! I can look down and not see a bump that used to be my stomach.

Still working towards my goal. I have it on my wrist still as a daily reminder of what I want!

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