Monday, September 13, 2010

Looking back...and getting started!

I am week one of my weight loss journey. I have been on this road before and know what it takes to get the results that I want to see. Last week I had a pity party and decided the time was not right for me to workout and work on my weight.

Then, I had a long hard talk with myself. I said, "Self... you stress over your weight daily, you are not happy with how things are fitting, you love to work out when you make the time for it, and you love the people and support you get while on this journey".

Myself and I decided it is time. No longer will busy night and schedule be my excuse for not working out. No longer will I get fast food because we are on the run, this will be a planned treat. And, no longer will I allow myself to use food as my comfort during hectic or stressful times.

After Mia was born (Aug. 2008), I lost 30 pounds, just from having her. That was motivating. I bought jeans 2 sizes smaller and liked how I felt. Slowly, the weight was coming back on. A daycare parent told me about Jazzercise. That was my answer to working out. There was a center close by and they offered tons of classes. I went 6-7x a week. I.....LOST.....WEIGHT! And, I loved it. Not only was Jazz class a fun way to lose the weight, but I met lots people and it was a way to relive stress in a positive way.
This was taken April 2009...
Being a smaller size was not about looking better, (which I thought I did, because I posed all the time) it was about being a better mother to my kids, a more active wife to my husband (not just in the bed, peeps get your head out of the gutter), and being more healthy for me.

The weight loss continued to for 6 more months... I was 7 pounds shy of making a huge goal of mine.

This was taken Mother's Day 2009- One of my favorite pictures and I was at my lightest weight.
The summer months started and the weight stopped coming off even though I was doing nothing different. I thought I was done for a while and just needed to maintain. Well, a month later, I found out I was 10 weeks pregnant with Kendal. As a lot of people know, she was so not planned. One of the hardest things was to watch all the hard work of losing weight reverse itself. I tried to stay active, but I slowly stopped working out because I was tired all the time or sick to my stomach. I let my healthy choices go out the window as the cravings and greasy food came back into the picture.

9 months preggers with Kendal...

Even after Kendal was born, I only had gained 20 pounds. I was nursing and thought, "I can eat what I want, it'll burn off". Nope, not the case with me. When Kendal was 6 mo. old, I was up 40 pounds. Things are not fitting, my face is fuller, and I hate the way I look at this weight. I have never cared too much about my appearence until I saw how much I liked having the smaller waist line. I have a fear that I will be that 275pound adult and not have the will power to get the weight off. This really scares me!
So... here I am. Ready to start the journey again, ready to take on the hard work, ready to motivate and be motivated, and ready to change my life...again! I know I can do it. The benefits are there, the support from Dustin is there, and most of all my will power is there. So... here I am.

Sept. 2010
I will continue to blog some updates... can't wait!

1 comment:

Jennifer Magreevy said...

I'm with ya on the weight loss journey! I'm sick of being the fat woman in the room, sick of always being the fattest in a group of come they are all skinny? How come they are SKINNIER than before they had kids?!?!? It irritates me to no end. So I started Weight Watchers about a month ago, and I'm down about 8 pounds. Every week is a challenge, and its a mental game to keep myself going. I'm so quick to say to myself, "Oh, you screwed up this morning, so you might as well screw up all day. All week. All month. FOREVER." I hate being this way. I'm going to change. I'm hell bent on changing.