Friday, September 17, 2010

First weigh in...

So, knowing I was going share my weigh in progress today, I decided to take some pictures to show all the fun, easy, never hungry week I have had!

During nap time, I started riding my bike for 40 minutes. I listen to music or read the Twilight books, again. Both makes the time on this lovely machine go by faster! Still, these are my feelings toward the bike right now!
Every morning I have weighed myself. WW magazine (an old issue) said people that weigh in everyday have a better change of losing weight and keeping it off because they know their weight, and don't ignore it. Friday's will be my "official" weigh in to determine the gain or lose for the week.
I am super uber excited to report that I am down 6lbs. I know each week will not always be this much of a lose but what a great motivator to keep with it.
I have worked out by going to Jazz class every day this week... 6 in a row! I am feeling it. I am so sore but it feels great, okay maybe not great but good. It is hard work but fun all at the same time!
This was taken after my 9pm workout last night. Donna is a hoot and a great sport. She worked parts of my legs and butt I didn't even know I had. The instructors are awesome though! All of them are there to help you succeed. They are just great people and I am lucky enough to call them friends. When I asked her to take a picture with me, she came up with this fun pose! Never a dull moment!

That is my weight loss week in a nut shell. This week I am focusing on the foods that I eat, the amount that I eat, and writing them down.

Thanks for all of the kind words and support.

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