Monday, November 16, 2009

so many changes....

It seem so quickly everything is changing... the weather, our family, our house, my daycare, relationships, plans, social calendar, kids calender. Looking at it all it can be hard to take it all in. But with God's help, I think I can!!!

Some of our changes... I am excited and nervous about!

Our family number is growing... in 3 months, we'll meet our new peanut!
My belly is growing... over night I am bursting out and finally putting away some pre-pregnancy outfits I can no longer wear.
My hair keeps getting shorter... I can't decide on a hair cut that I am "in love" with, but think I finally have it now.
My oldest is turning "8" this Friday night... she is the most delightful, spunky, caring, loving, and helping child I know.
She has more of a social life then I do... Let me re-state that...
Because of her social calendar, I am choosing to put my calender on hold to embrace every moment I have with her. I know as a mommy I don't have many years left that she will want to still hang out with me.
This little ball of energy is no longer has a toothless grin but 7 teeth.
She is getting an attitude when kids try to take her toys away from her.
In 3 months, she will no long be my last child, my baby. She will seem and look older.
She no longer just coos and jabbers but talks with some words.
We will longer have a room to her self but share one when Kendal is here.
Kadyn will be turning "5" soon.
She will be in full day kindergarten this fall and no longer will attend "mommy's school".
Kadyn always has to have the last word now when talking to her.
She doesn't like to hold anyones hand when walking across the street anymore.

Even the daycare has many changes in the next several months....
The garage is getting a face lift so we have a recreational area to play, ride our cars, and have room to move and add more centers.
We are going to graduate 4 children to school and I will have 4 spots to fill in May.
We are tying to add on to the deck- to make it an outdoor classroom we can use all year round.
Dustin and I are moving bedrooms so the biggest room can be Mia's and Kendal's and have more storage for daycare and art supplies.

A lot of changes to take in and pray about, embrace and enjoy, and rejoice about.
Bring on the changes!

1 comment:

BethH said...

Oooo, love your post today! You look fantastic. Love the short hair and the big belly! Soo sweet. I can't wait to see this new peanut! And, my goodness.. you are doing some big moving around in the house, aren't you? That will be so nice, though, once you get it all settled. Will be great for you! Just remember, God is bigger than the changes, the messes, the moving around......I know you already know that! Aren't you glad He's in control!! :) I am!