Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy... pretty much sums up my mood! It really takes a lot to get me to this point, but I am here- it's okay to be here, and I openly admit to being grumpy, grumpy, grumpy!
Kadyn and Gaby have been out of school Thursday and Friday- that has actually improved my mood. I love having them home. The morning isn't rushed, we hang out, and it is just more relaxing. I love it. I think every week we should have a "stay at home" day from school- Okay, I know not everyone will agree with that one.
We had our daycare Halloween party ( and I haven't blogged about it yet) yesterday. It was fun. We had a full house, some of my older kids came to visit and it was overall an entertaining time. Party days are always crazy as the kids are so excited! It's fun to see them react to the games and snacks, and goodies.
On the daycare subject- I hit 3 inservices this week. I only need 10 hours but because of the other programs I am doing, I have over 35 hours this year. Plus, my mom is my second person and she needed hours too- so last week was "get er' done" week and now we are both good to go. Being gone so much away from the girls and Dustin was not fun though. D was single parenting it as I did the classes and not get home until after 9pm. By day three, I was a grump!
We had parent teacher conferences last night! I am very proud at how G and K are doing. Both girls are doing very well and their teachers have nothing but nice to say about them. Gaby's teacher did say that she has been warned about talking 1-2x's. If one to two times is all in 9 weeks of school, I'll take it! Anyway- very proud momma!
I have had a very heavy heart this week as I have had to make some choices about daycare that were just not easy! Actually, it really just sucked! And while I do not want to go into details, it is sometimes hard working with great people. You develop friendships, you don't want to hurt feelings, and you love the children in your care as if they were your own. Whoever said, " it's just business, it's not personal" never had a job like being a child care provider. My parents are my friends and it makes it very personal. I am sad for this change and it will be a big change with my family as well as we approach the holidays and birthday season. It's tough but I know God has a plan- I say it all the time as it is my personal reminder that I will never be given more then I can deal with! This is all a part of God's plan!!!
A part of my grumpiness is coming from being the end of October. Next week kinda kicks off the Holiday Season. I am no where prepared for this and really wouldn't mind just skipping it this year- horrible huh??!!! I know once I get Gaby's party planned and more Christmas gifts purchased I will be excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas (then daycare vacation). I am feeling old, rushed, and broke! (And grumpy)
I did have a weight gain last week- I knew it would be higher! I just didn't care, didn't write things down, and I even skipped a WW meeting! This week I have been track! I am back down and will be going back to weigh in Monday- which will help me control myself with Halloween candy!!! I am looking forward to the challenge of loosing weight while there are bad things in the house! I have faith I can do it!
Tonight we are going to get pumpkins ( this will make me less grumpy- I love family time and I have been looking forward to this all week). We have put it off just because of not having time, well, now it is the last weekend, we kinda have to do it! So, tonight it is- did I tell ya I was looking forward to this--- I feel less grumpy just typing that.
Okay- wrapping this grumpy post up! I love scrapbooking! Last weekend I went to a crop and got 33 pages done in Mia and Kendal's album! Mia is updated to May and Kendal is still in my belly but at least started!!! Here are some of my layouts I was working on...
Enjoy! I am going to pop some popcorn and have a diet hot chocolate- more things to make the grumps go away! Have a fabulous weekend! Check back for more daycare fun next week!
(Mia at Kendal's age)
(Mia's 1st b-day;cupcake theme, I am uber proud of this page)
(Minus a title, this is Kenni's first page of her album)
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