Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Guess who's Back? Introduction Please!

I used to blog everyday. I thought to myself, when did I have time for that? A lot has changed in the two years since I blogged last. I feel like I should introduce myself again. Start over. Clean slate.

Hello! My name is Laura. Welcome to my family blog. You will get to know my crazy, loud, not at all normal family. And you'll laugh a lot while doing so. We do ok at the marriage thing and we screw up a lot on the parenting thing. Good thing we have five children... maybe be last one will stand a fighting chance.

Here we all are... Dustin and I have been married for 17 years. That really seems like a long time. Well, I guess it is. I am proud of the fact we met in high school, dated for 3 or 4 years?? I dunno. A while. Then got married. We have grown up together.  We were married when I was 20 and he was 19.

We have kids... lots of them. Gaby is our oldest, she is 15 years old. She is my soccer player, drum line member, musical lover, art drawing kid. She is creative and smart. Gaby made it easy to be a parent to her- most days. I love watching her on the football field playing percussion with the band, I bite my nails when she is on the soccer field on game days, and I pray for her daily as she learns how to drive.

Kadyn is my middle oldest daughter. She is 12 years old. She loves all things dance and her friends. Kadyn is in the 6th grade and will be attending middle school in the fall. Really, wasn't it yesterday she was entering pre-school? Kadyn spends three nights a week dancing at Fuzion School of Dance. She has been dancing since she was 3 years old. Dance has done so much for Kadyn- she is a different child when she is on the dance floor. Her personality really comes out.  Things do not come easy for this kid. But I will say she is the hardest working child I know. I admire her. A lot.

Mia is my middle youngest child. Mia is 8 years old and is a firecracker. This kid keeps me on my toes. She talks so fast that sometimes I can't follow what she is saying. Her expressions are awesome and her personality is corky. Mia gets caught up in friend drama but tries hard to be a good friend... most days.  She loves gymnastics. Mia was on the bronze team for Evolution this year. I would say it was a good learning experience for her. She can be a little scattered brained some days... she is a lot like me. The good and the bad!

Kendal is 6 years old and the last of the Fluke girls. Mia was 8 months old when I found out I was expecting Kendal. I was a little... shocked to say the least. Kendal is very detail oriented. She loves her routine. Kendal loves school and her 1st grade teacher. School comes pretty easily for her. She is not like her mother. She has a crazy love for sloths and animals in general. Every time we go to Pet World, she asks to hold the snakes. EW! She also dances at Fuzion. She also has been dancing since she was 3 years old. She is a daddy's girl for sure.

Quentin. He is my son. My boy. My hot mess. He is a mommas boy. And he is mine. (and Dustin's) He makes me laugh and cry all in the same morning. He will be 4 years old next month. We are finally potty training. He does preschool activities with me (and my daycare) in the morning then attends afternoon preschool to work on speech. He has curly red hair and blue eyes that allow him to get away with a lot. When he is in trouble he will come sit in my lap and say, "I love you mommy".  Qman is his nickname. I thought it would be Q-bert but it never stuck. He loves to dance and sing. He never sits.

In case you lost track we have 5 children. Yes, FIVE. And we love it. I wouldn't change it for anything. I love our imperfect, hot mess tribe. They are my kind of people.

That about sums us up. Check back often. I have lots on my mind. You never know what I will blog about next. Family, church, coffee, essential oils, children or daycare... who knows?

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