Thursday, June 26, 2014

Goonie Golf

 Yesterday's Not So Bummer Summer Field Trip was to play Goonie Golf. It was Kendal's first time. Mia had been there but still was not good at it. For that reason we did not keep score. Kadyn had her friend with us too.
Above is Kendal and Em playing...
 Mia is left handed however had a tough time figuring out which way to hold the club...

 Kenni sure did look cute though...
 Emily going through one of the holes...
 Then Kadyn to follow... oh! to be that small.
 After a hot round of golf we made our way to my favorite snack... Snow Cones.
 After our afternoon out, the girls cooked up a plan to have a sleepover... so then came fort building.
 The girls all spent the evening at a soccer camp/VBS up the street... took showers and ready for a movie.
 Not before a bed time snack...
Then Bedtime....

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