Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My little grown up Ky!

Tomorrow is a big day, not only for my kids but this little peanut too! My little Ky came to me when she was a year old. She lives across the street so I know I am not saying good bye. However my heart is still sad that I will not get to spend my days with her for she is growing up and going to kindergarten. Another part of my daycare family is leaving.

I have enjoyed Ky's company. She seems so much wiser then a normal almost 5 year old should be. I have loved watching Kyla hit milestones and seeing what a caring little girl she has turned out to be. Don't let this sweet innocent smile you- this kid is sassy and diva when she wants to be. One of Kyla's favorite activities is music time. She would always show me her cool moves and teach me how to shake my hips.

I remember when my friend asked me to watch her. I was so excited. Kyla was fortunate to go to work with her mom for the first year of her little life then I got her! I love seeing her through her windows at her house, waving or calling out our name, and greeting us in the street in her pj's after just getting out of the bath. Kyla is a special little girl and will do big things in school- she'll probably be helping her teacher teach the class as well.

I will miss my peanut- I know this isn't good-bye.

Kyla! Good Luck tomorrow as you ride the bus on the first day of school. I am so excited for you and I know you will have a great day. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your little life. I can't wait to hear about your day. You come over and visit me often. No invites needed, girly! You are a sweet little girl and your friends will be lucky to have you! You show em' how to rock in Kindergarten! I love you Kyla. I know this isn't good bye, but I will miss you. Please keep me up to date on your days.
It's been a great 4 years, kiddo. I'll see you at the bus stop Ky!

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