Wednesday, April 22, 2009

a little of everything

Mornings at my house can get pretty crazy. Getting Gaby up, dressed, packed and ready for school, getting breakfast ready for daycare kids that are arriving, and getting Dustin's lunch ready on the days he is gone. I started writing on Dustin's lunch bags a while back little messages to let him know I was thinking of him. One morning Gaby saw me doing this and asked what I was doing. When I explained the concept she wanted to help. She has written several notes for dad, but here was what she did today! I thought it was sweet of her!

I was in the kitchen cleaning up breakfast dishes and sitting out snack when I hear, "Monday, Tuesday, is Wednesday, have a great day". They were doing their own circle time. I must say, they had it down. It was such a cute sight to see and hear!

All my girls came to daycare looking so Spring like. I couldn't wait to get Mia dressed in her spring wear too. Here she is in her little Target dress sitting up which is a new trick of hers!

A and her cute carpi pants and cupcake shoes... I even got a cute smile out of her!

Lil' A and her beautiful spring dress... every time I was trying to take a picture she would start spinning around to make her dress move!

And then there is Kadyn... she wanted to wear a dress today too, but it didn't stop at that. She had to put her necklace, crown, and dress up shoes on too. What can I say, she is my girly girl!

And here are my boys (and Kadyn) before they ran loose outside... they didn't care so much about getting their picture taken, they were ready to run and play! And, that is what they did... all morning!

I love writing lessons and teaching preschool concepts to my daycare kids... however I plan our lessons to end around spring time since it is hard to keep them inside. Our activities then become more hands on and nature filled. We start doing circle time and stories on the deck, eat snacks outside, and much more... I can't wait!!!

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