Thursday, May 22, 2014

Graduation Day! and End of the Year Party!

 During our Preschool Party... We read, "Ready for Kindergarten" and "Love You Forever". These are two of my favorite books and appropriate to read today! During circle time we discussed everyone's plans... new schools, kindergarten, staying here, break for the summer and ect.

 Our goofy picture... we are minus 3 part time peanuts.
 Our treat time... thanks for everyone who brought yummy treats to share. We enjoyed cracker mix, cookies, lemon-aid, and cookie dip. We finished our treat time out side with yummy Popsicles.

 Our graduating class of 2014... the kids either received an autograph book/bookworm, bracelet, cap, and necklace. Making their day as special as we could... a day to remember!
 Playing outside before lunch... the babies!
 Good looking group!!!
 The "official" picture... 2014 Peanut Gallery!
 The puppet sisters... Kadyn and Em before school. Always making others laugh and keeping them busy before school starts.
 To Emily...
Good Luck my little friend. I loved having you in the morning before the bus came. You were the highlight of Qman's day and he (and I) will miss seeing you every day. You are a great friend to Kadyn and a nicest girl I know. You have a big heart, a helping heart! You are going to rock T-North next year. You smile will make the room glow. Always come over when you can- we will miss you!
 Miss Ash,
I have known you before you were even thought off. I have loved seeing you from birth to 5 years.  You are a sassy, spunky, loving girl and I hope that never changes. I know you are going to turn Kindergarten upside down (in a great way). You will make a great friend to others and share your spunk with them. I love our time we have had- you have grown into a beautiful young girl and I can't wait to see what next year has in store for you!
 Mr N...
Your laugh cracks me up and I love how you are always making others laugh as well. You are such a caring kid. You make sure everyone is OK when we are doing our activities and playing outside. I love the stories you tell while playing. Your imagination is huge. I know you are going to do well in school next year- even though you may play shy and not say what you really know! :) I am glad I will see you before school next fall- it doesn't make saying good-bye as hard!

I have loved getting to know you more this year through daycare and Church. You are such a gentlemen. You always keep me on my toes and love routine. I am very sad you will not be here next year but know your class of 5 year olds will be just what you need. You will continue to be a leader and role model for others! Always keep smiling and have a great year next year!!!
 Mr Isaac...
New school and Kindergarten will have nothing on you! When you started you were this shy little guy! And now you are always making everyone smile, laugh, and play silly games. You are a friend to everyone. You are no longer shy but outgoing. You are a sweetheart and have added a lot to our daycare the last two years. Good luck to you lil buddy as you will soar at T-North and in Kindergarten!!
Lil Ms Kin...
Thank you for being a part of our daycare part time. I have loved seeing you play and learn here. You are a good friend to Kendal and I know she will miss you next year when you are in school. You are such a leader. I know you will love school and do so well as you have had here!!! Come and visit and we'll plan a spend over soon!!! Good Luck in kindergarten!!!

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