Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Qman turn 1 today

 To my son,
I don't have any words of wisdom to share with you. All I can do is share my thoughts on being your mom this past year.  When we first found out we were going to have you, I cried. Like a lot. Not because I didn't want you because I was scared. I was worried how having a 5th child would fit unto our already crazy life.

God worked on my heart. Like a lot. He has carried us through what has been one of the best years of my life. Watching you grow, smile, and be so content has taught me a lot. God knew how you would change me and our family forever.
 Qman 1mo. old

You are loved. Like a lot. I love watching your sisters love on you, bringing everything to you, and want to be so close to you- even to the point of making your cry. Gaby is your closest sister, a second mom to you. She has held you and fed you almost as much as dad and I have. Kadyn has taught you to dance to music since every time you are around her she has her music turned on. Mia has taught you to be tough. She gets in your face, wants to hold you when you don't want her to, and is always in your personal space. Kendal has taught you to follow rules and has helped you to be safe. As she is always looking out for you.
 Qman 6 mo. old

 Being your mom has been a little different then being a mom to Gaby, Kadyn, Mia and Kendal. Like a lot. Girls vs. Boys? I don't know. I am  not sure if I can explain this. No, I don't have favorites. Having a son is just... different. During the past year I have learned to slow down, smile more, laugh louder, and love unconditionally. I want to be a good mom so you will be a good husband and father to your future wife.

You are so content, you have the biggest blue eyes (thanks to your daddy), you love to give hugs and kisses, you are very laid back, biggest smile that brightens a room, and you love your family.

Qman 1 year old

My hope for you: is that you always stay as happy as you are- it truly is contagious. Your little heart has already made such an impact on this family. Make other smile as much as you have made me smile. Make others laugh as much as you have made us laugh. Use your dad as a role model on how to treat people especially the girls that might come and go in your life. And most importantly, as you grow up and let God always be #1 in your life. For dad and I will not be perfect parents, we will make you mad and we will make mistakes. However, you do have one perfect parent and He is the one that made you fit perfectly into our life. 

To my son. I love you. Like a lot. You have made me a better mom. And for that I thank you. I have had a blast watching you grow and develop this rock star personality you have this past year. God willing, we will have many more celebrations. Happy Birthday Quentin Neal. We love you big much! 


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