Monday, January 25, 2010

getting back into the swing of things...

Only works if your swing isn't broken...

It has been a crazy couple of days.

Kendal is loosing weight and her jaundice levels are incredibility high!
But she is a wonderful baby and nurses well. She is just a little sleepy and yellow! But just look at that face... she is perfect!

My milk has come in...TMI again, I know. This is what my frig and freezer look like now. It is a blessing to nurse Kendal and still be able to pump for times she may need a bottle.

I am so excited about my 2 new purchases... a) sleep bra for nursing and b) a sling to help be hands free if need.
These were stressful purchases since I am not working right now and I am without income for 2 weeks. (I knew it was coming but not right after 2 birthdays/parties... we thought we had at least 2 more weeks) But, it is great to have a husband that says, " this will make your life easier, let's just get it" and signs the check to buy the items!
Here is my little glow worm! She has had to be on the light for over 48 hours for her jaundice!
Kenni is such a cute little cuddlier! It really is hard to get anything done when holding her, tending to Mia, getting things for Kadyn, and helping Gaby with homework... but as I have stated before, I wouldn't have it any other way!

So... maybe our swing isn't broken... we are just needing to adjust it a little...

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